<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?> <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//NLM//DTD JATS (Z39.96) Journal Publishing DTD v1.2d1 20170631//EN" "JATS-journalpublishing1.dtd"> <article xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" dtd-version="1.0" article-type="pediatrics" lang="en"> <front> <journal-meta> <journal-id journal-id-type="publisher">JOHS</journal-id> <journal-id journal-id-type="nlm-ta">Journ of Health Scien</journal-id> <journal-title-group> <journal-title>Journal of HealthCare Sciences</journal-title> <abbrev-journal-title abbrev-type="pubmed">Journ of Health Scien</abbrev-journal-title> </journal-title-group> <issn pub-type="ppub">2231-2196</issn> <issn pub-type="opub">0975-5241</issn> <publisher> <publisher-name>Radiance Research Academy</publisher-name> </publisher> </journal-meta> <article-meta> <article-id pub-id-type="publisher-id">27</article-id> <article-id pub-id-type="doi">http://dx.doi.org/10.52533/JOHS.2021.1406</article-id> <article-id pub-id-type="doi-url"/> <article-categories> <subj-group subj-group-type="heading"> <subject>Pediatrics</subject> </subj-group> </article-categories> <title-group> <article-title>Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia in Taif, Saudi Arabia: A Retrospective Study </article-title> </title-group> <contrib-group> <contrib contrib-type="author"> <name> <surname>Khayat</surname> <given-names>Abdullah</given-names> </name> </contrib> <contrib contrib-type="author"> <name> <surname>Thomali</surname> <given-names>Abdullah</given-names> </name> </contrib> <contrib contrib-type="author"> <name> <surname>Assiri</surname> <given-names>Anas</given-names> </name> </contrib> <contrib contrib-type="author"> <name> <surname>Qurashi</surname> <given-names>Mohammad</given-names> </name> </contrib> </contrib-group> <pub-date pub-type="ppub"> <day>30</day> <month>11</month> <year>-0001</year> </pub-date> <volume>1</volume> <issue>5</issue> <fpage>120</fpage> <lpage>125</lpage> <permissions> <copyright-statement>This article is copyright of Popeye Publishing, 2009</copyright-statement> <copyright-year>2009</copyright-year> <license license-type="open-access" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/"> <license-p>This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) Licence. You may share and adapt the material, but must give appropriate credit to the source, provide a link to the licence, and indicate if changes were made.</license-p> </license> </permissions> <abstract> <p>Introduction: Primary ciliary dyskinesia, also known as immotile-cilia syndrome, is a rare genetic disease that is inherited in an autosomal recessive manner, unfortunately there are no studies for primary ciliary dyskinesia in Taif region, yet much is still lacking in terms of identifying the different characteristics of this disease. In this paper, we aim to briefly cover those studies published about primary ciliary dyskinesia in Taif region, as well as to provide recommendations and guidelines for future studies. Methods: This is a retrospective chart review study that was conducted by reviewing the case records of children attending primary care in one of the children__ampersandsign#39;s hospitals in Taif city. Children diagnosed with bronchiectasis with primary ciliary dyskinesia were included in the study. Children with other respiratory diseases were excluded from the study. The bronchiectasis diagnosis was made using a high-resolution chest computed tomography scan. Results: A total of 10 patients were included in the study with a mean age of 4.3 ---PlusMinusSymbol--- 2.9 years. Gender had even distribution with five males and five females. It was observed that six patients had bronchopulmonary manifestations in which five patients showed asthma and one patient had pnuemopathies. The bronchopulmonary manifestations were comparatively observed more in female patients (50%) where only one of the male patients had such manifestations (p=0.010). Conclusion: Rhinosinusitis is found to be a major clinical manifestation in primary ciliary dyskinesia patients and the prevalence of other bronchopulmonary manifestations. The management of primary ciliary dyskinesia has become challenging and in future primary ciliary dyskinesia studies in diagnosis management should utilize more collaborative partnerships between different healthcare disciplinaries. </p> </abstract> <kwd-group> <kwd>primary ciliary dyskinesia</kwd> <kwd> immotile-cilia syndrome</kwd> <kwd> kartagener syndrome</kwd> <kwd> bronchiectasis</kwd> <kwd> taif</kwd> </kwd-group> </article-meta> </front> </article>