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      <journal-id journal-id-type="publisher">JOHS</journal-id>
      <journal-id journal-id-type="nlm-ta">Journ of Health Scien</journal-id>
        <journal-title>Journal of HealthCare Sciences</journal-title>
        <abbrev-journal-title abbrev-type="pubmed">Journ of Health Scien</abbrev-journal-title>
      <issn pub-type="ppub">2231-2196</issn>
      <issn pub-type="opub">0975-5241</issn>
        <publisher-name>Radiance Research Academy</publisher-name>
      <article-id pub-id-type="publisher-id">18</article-id>
      <article-id pub-id-type="doi">http://dx.doi.org/10.52533/JOHS.2021.1106</article-id>
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        <article-title>Secondary Hypertriglyceridemia Due to Diabetic Ketoacidosis Causing Acute Pancreatitis in A Pediatric Patient: A Case Report&#13;
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        <copyright-statement>This article is copyright of Popeye Publishing, 2009</copyright-statement>
        <license license-type="open-access" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">
          <license-p>This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) Licence. You may share and adapt the material, but must give appropriate credit to the source, provide a link to the licence, and indicate if changes were made.</license-p>
Diabetic ketoacidosis is a complication of diabetes mellitus. Diabetic ketoacidosis occurs mainly due to an insulin impaired state causing hypertriglyceridemia. Hypertriglyceridemia is the third primary reason for acute pancreatitis and is challenging to diagnose in the presence of diabetic ketoacidosis due to the similarity of clinical signs and symptoms with acute pancreatitis.&#13;
Case presentation:&#13;
A 13-year-old girl (known case of type 1 diabetes mellitus) presented to the emergency department with epigastric pain and repeated vomiting. Initial laboratory findings revealed elevated levels of glucose, amylase, lipase, cholesterol and triglycerides. Urine ketones were positive, and the patient exhibited metabolic acidosis blood gases. Based on the clinical picture, diagnosis was suggestive of diabetic ketoacidosis and secondary hypertriglyceridemia leading to acute pancreatitis. The patient was admitted to the intensive care unit and treated for diabetic ketoacidosis as well as hypertriglyceridemia. The patient improved on the seventh day and was discharged home.&#13;
The triad of hypertriglyceridemia, diabetic ketoacidosis and acute pancreatitis is very challenging to diagnose, as each disorder is causative to the other. Management should be focused on all three causes and utilize insulin, hydration and triglyceride lowering medication, and lifestyle modification.&#13;
        <kwd> acute pancreatitis</kwd>
        <kwd> pediatric</kwd>
        <kwd> diabetic ketoacidosis</kwd>