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      <journal-id journal-id-type="publisher">JOHS</journal-id>
      <journal-id journal-id-type="nlm-ta">Journ of Health Scien</journal-id>
        <journal-title>Journal of HealthCare Sciences</journal-title>
        <abbrev-journal-title abbrev-type="pubmed">Journ of Health Scien</abbrev-journal-title>
      <issn pub-type="ppub">2231-2196</issn>
      <issn pub-type="opub">0975-5241</issn>
        <publisher-name>Radiance Research Academy</publisher-name>
      <article-id pub-id-type="publisher-id">159</article-id>
      <article-id pub-id-type="doi">http://dx.doi.org/10.52533/JOHS.2023.30301</article-id>
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        <article-title>The Efficacy and Safety of Various Root Canal Irrigants and Disinfectants&#13;
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        <copyright-statement>This article is copyright of Popeye Publishing, 2009</copyright-statement>
        <license license-type="open-access" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">
          <license-p>This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) Licence. You may share and adapt the material, but must give appropriate credit to the source, provide a link to the licence, and indicate if changes were made.</license-p>
        <p>Root canal irrigation and disinfection are crucial steps in endodontic therapy that involve removing debris, lubricating the canal, and disinfecting the canal walls. The utilization of an appropriate irrigant and disinfectant is essential for the effective debridement and disinfection of the root canal system, and the choice of solution can affect the success of the treatment as well as the safety of surrounding tissues. Sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine, EDTA, and MTAD are commonly used irrigants and disinfectants in endodontics. Sodium hypochlorite is one of the most frequently used irrigants due to its high antimicrobial activity against a wide range of microorganisms, while chlorhexidine is less cytotoxic and has a lower risk of causing tissue damage. Advances in research have led to the development of new techniques and solutions, such as the use of nanoparticles, photodynamic therapy, and low-frequency ultrasound. While these novel developments show promise, more investigations are needed to evaluate their efficacy and safety for irrigation and disinfection in endodontic therapy.&#13;
        <kwd>root canal irrigants</kwd>
        <kwd> root canal disinfectants</kwd>
        <kwd> safety</kwd>
        <kwd> efficacy</kwd>