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      <journal-id journal-id-type="publisher">JOHS</journal-id>
      <journal-id journal-id-type="nlm-ta">Journ of Health Scien</journal-id>
        <journal-title>Journal of HealthCare Sciences</journal-title>
        <abbrev-journal-title abbrev-type="pubmed">Journ of Health Scien</abbrev-journal-title>
      <issn pub-type="ppub">2231-2196</issn>
      <issn pub-type="opub">0975-5241</issn>
        <publisher-name>Radiance Research Academy</publisher-name>
      <article-id pub-id-type="publisher-id">143</article-id>
      <article-id pub-id-type="doi">http://dx.doi.org/10.52533/JOHS.2023.30103</article-id>
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          <subject>Family Medicine</subject>
        <article-title>Role of Home Visits on Improving Cancer Screening and Early Detection&#13;
        <contrib contrib-type="author">
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            <given-names>Awn Al</given-names>
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        <copyright-statement>This article is copyright of Popeye Publishing, 2009</copyright-statement>
        <license license-type="open-access" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/">
          <license-p>This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) Licence. You may share and adapt the material, but must give appropriate credit to the source, provide a link to the licence, and indicate if changes were made.</license-p>
        <p>Cancer which falls under the umbrella of non-communicable disease is responsible for posing significant burden of morbidity and mortality globally. The prevalence of cancer continues to rise worldwide, with significant variations in mortality and morbidity rates as per age, ethnicity, gender, and type of cancer. In order to reduce the global cancer burden effective and locally specific cancer preventive and control methods are essential. Cancer screening is one way of prevention. Additionally, it aids in early diagnosis and prompt management thus reducing mortality and complications. Since there is a significant lag period in the malignant transition, screening presents an opportunity to detect premalignant lesions, engage in early intervention in the carcinogenic process, and delay the onset of cancer. Most cancer risk factors are preventable. Home visits for cancer screening is one of the effective ways to encourage cancer screening and prevention among the community. Compared to hospital visits, patient visits at home result in more balanced interactions. The purpose of this research is to review the available information about the role of home visits in improving cancer screening and early detection. Home visit is a beneficial approach especially in rural and resource limited areas. Various findings support the role of home visits as they had a positive effect on cancer screening while few studies reported contradictory results. Further research is however needed for the assessment of outcomes and effectiveness of home visits in aspect of cancer screening.&#13;
        <kwd> screen</kwd>
        <kwd> home</kwd>
        <kwd> visit</kwd>